I am angry..really angry. Just returned home from
CHIJMES. You asking me what happened? Well, flared up cause I was supposed to go to the airline don’t know what fair at SUNTEC city. I took the train cause I wanted to give the parking fees and ERP a miss. Yet when I reached there, I noticed a big sign stating ‘$3 per entry’. Being a stingy and poor person, I gave it a miss and decided to buy the air tickets from Yilin, my friend, who is working at a travel agency.Why is it that the travel agencies are making money through selling air tickets, they still want to earn that stupid entrance fees? Are there any babes like
PARIS HILTON modeling for them? Not that I know of.. Moodless, I went off with my friends.
Philip: Hey I am dying of hunger, feed me a cow and I will do anything, I said anything, for you all..
Ken:’KAO BEI LA’ (being the typical gangster he is)
Me: Let’s go grab something to eat.
And I snatched a lollipop from a small little girl who walked past me and stuffed it into Philip’s mouth.. No la, we went to eat pizza at pizza hut.
Before I continue, did I mention that I lost my way to SUNTEC? Freaking hell, how could a Singaporean do so ? *slaps* Shall not explain what happened for you might really think I am a villager from the eastern side of northern Thailand. It’s just ridiculous!!
At pizza hut’s:
Me: Can I have a set meal for 3 persons? Make the pizzas a Hawaiian chicken and a Curry chicken.
And soon the food came and we gobbled them up like there’s food shortages in Singapore. Till the very last piece, I noticed that there is no curry taste in the so called Curry chicken pizza. Frustrated, I called upon the manager to explain what happened to my very lovely CURRY CHICKEN!! He explained how the chicken refused to play in the pool of curry powder and therefore he gave me another pizza without informing me as I had a ‘owe me $50K’ look. -_- In the end, I still swallowed down the 7th piece of pizza for my day. Damn the capsicum on my pizza. Support Canadian 241 pizza instead!!
After eating, I thought it was time to burn some calories by listening to musics. (This works for certain people like me). I called up Debbie and she told me she was at
CHIJMES. I went there to find her but to no avail..I only managed to see a stupid cat screwing the hole on the soil that a dog had previously dug to cover his loots.
Me: Hello, which guy are you flirting with now? I am at
CHIJMES and I didn’t even managed to smell the scent on your body.
Debbie: Yeah, I am at
CHIJMES, eating.. Ya know,
IndoCHINE restaurant?
Me: -_-*People, gentle reminder, please pronounce words properly when u give instructions or directions.You could get a cute guy like me raped by transvestites when you pronounced Holland Village as Changi Village.
And so I failed to meet her up, instead, making my blood boils.
May I ask? How much does a 500 ml bottle of beer costs ya? Not much I supposed. But guess what? I paid SG$15 for it and I cried to the waitress, hoping she might want my virginity in turn for treating me to the drink. I guess that don’t work as the place is infested with Caucasians; with the perfect size a ‘hungry’ girl would ask for. Therefore spits on my dick and missed cause it's really small.. *gulps* and off I went. It’s a boring place without the live band.Being the short tempered me, I saw smoke emitted out from my nose and I got a real hard on after seeing a girl wearing a red bra, walked past me. Does a bull, moos?
At bus stop:
Friends: WTF!!? As if Singapore will
xiaxue (snow).
Me points at poster and they took off their pants and masturbated like nobody’s business.
Friends: She's a BaBe!!
She’s not only a babe, but a talented babe! She is GOD! You know what is GOD? GOD is initially human, but only that he had accomplished things that normal humans don’t, that’s why he became GOD.
I paid my friends a dime each and they agreed to take some pictures for me upon my very sincere request..

bad lightings .. * pictures are taken with my lousy
Sony Ericsson K750iMy mood has changed for the better after taking the pictures. Looks really bad though and i looked like a bangladesh in it.Shall go for skin bleaching tomorrow~Seriously, we ought to learn more from
xiaxue as she is talented, gifted,creative,beautiful,good in everything on Earth that i am crazy over her.Shall have a blog entry about her soon.YESSS YOU ARE RIGHT, ALL ABOUT HER AND ONLY HER! Got to sleep,had been reading too much of
xiaxue's blog and i am craving for more!
*Slips into Dick's room and slapped him on the butt..'Morning and wake up baby' 0227 hrs already~