The love diary..
Every relationship has a beginning and an ending, a theme to it, bitterness and sweetness..
What’s yours like? For mine, Only love by Trademark was my first song to my sweetest relationship ever..The relationship only had happiness and no sadness till the very very very last moment when I did something very wrong. So regretful for what I have done. So you ask me why break up since no sadness or quarrels. Maybe she consolidated all her angers and sadnesses and gave them back to me, at a single shot. But nope, I don’t think that’s the problem. Caused she lived like a princess with me in a part of her life. But whatever, what’s gone is gone.
Sentences like ‘live everyday with him/her in your life, for you might not know when they will be gone’ etc are very good phrases I think. But they are like, outdated. Why don’t somebody create new ones instead? I have seen many blogs, talking about their love lives and etc etc..Everything is taken from the internet and pasted I supposed? Are you serious about your partners when you can only describe your love life using others’ quotes or examples?
They say gangsters only like gangsters of their opposite sex. And they will break up once they had enough sex, meaning no serious relationships at all. Not all behaves this way, for I am someone who cherishes a relationship, but no girls appreciate it, though they always say they want a guy to treat them dearly. So I think that ‘nan ren bu huai, nu ren bu ai’ (the worser you treat the girl, the more she will cherish you) is very true indeed.
It’s been 5 years since we broke up, and I am still missing her? Does she knows about it? Will she ever bother to think about it? It’s still a mystery. Till 1 year back, I got another female party which I liked a lot too. Yet the treatments I got was, horrible. She is Debbie whom I have mentioned previously that I went to meet her, but couldn’t due to the English pronunciations.
Though me and Dick looked almost the same, only our dressings differs, he had got lots of girls surrounding him and he is such a Casanova that I think he brings home at least 3 different girls every week. But none of them were attracted by me. Maybe we do have differences after all..Or it’s just that they were after his car, money or whatever. So anyway, the stupid same old quote you see all the time, ‘cherish everything you’ve got for you don’t know when you might lose it’
Every relationship has a beginning and an ending, a theme to it, bitterness and sweetness..
What’s yours like? For mine, Only love by Trademark was my first song to my sweetest relationship ever..The relationship only had happiness and no sadness till the very very very last moment when I did something very wrong. So regretful for what I have done. So you ask me why break up since no sadness or quarrels. Maybe she consolidated all her angers and sadnesses and gave them back to me, at a single shot. But nope, I don’t think that’s the problem. Caused she lived like a princess with me in a part of her life. But whatever, what’s gone is gone.
Sentences like ‘live everyday with him/her in your life, for you might not know when they will be gone’ etc are very good phrases I think. But they are like, outdated. Why don’t somebody create new ones instead? I have seen many blogs, talking about their love lives and etc etc..Everything is taken from the internet and pasted I supposed? Are you serious about your partners when you can only describe your love life using others’ quotes or examples?
They say gangsters only like gangsters of their opposite sex. And they will break up once they had enough sex, meaning no serious relationships at all. Not all behaves this way, for I am someone who cherishes a relationship, but no girls appreciate it, though they always say they want a guy to treat them dearly. So I think that ‘nan ren bu huai, nu ren bu ai’ (the worser you treat the girl, the more she will cherish you) is very true indeed.
It’s been 5 years since we broke up, and I am still missing her? Does she knows about it? Will she ever bother to think about it? It’s still a mystery. Till 1 year back, I got another female party which I liked a lot too. Yet the treatments I got was, horrible. She is Debbie whom I have mentioned previously that I went to meet her, but couldn’t due to the English pronunciations.
Though me and Dick looked almost the same, only our dressings differs, he had got lots of girls surrounding him and he is such a Casanova that I think he brings home at least 3 different girls every week. But none of them were attracted by me. Maybe we do have differences after all..Or it’s just that they were after his car, money or whatever. So anyway, the stupid same old quote you see all the time, ‘cherish everything you’ve got for you don’t know when you might lose it’
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