Road users watch out.. Speed cameras detected

Since I and Dick passed our licenses on 2003, we have seen many stupid and interesting things like bike riders hitting cars and fly without wings, car owners who wanted to save the money on buying an original Volkswagen Beetle, therefore banged their bonnets against big lorries, in hope of making their cars look shorter in length, but FAILED.
-_-|| I am a big lamer..
Anyway, I ride a bike while Dick, who is a business undergraduate, stupidly bought a TOYOTA HARRIER(his boss is generous to pay SG$50K for him).What a waste of money when he only uses it for school.
Dick: like that can woo more girls, remember you told me girls are realistic?
Me:I didn’t say HARRIER ! The Toyota Celica and Honda Type R not bad ma. My friends are driving these cars and girls kept flocking to them.
Dick: Ah lians (female gangsters) you mean? *laughs out loud* No class~!
Me: Ya lah.. You undergraduate, unlike me, no class. What’s the big deal?
But anyway, I still borrow Dick’s car sometime to go out when it’s raining. Really can’t get used to it’s comfort. I shall pester Harris to buy me a Celica soon, since he earns much monies by cheating his patients. *Harris is the type of doctor who gives out panadols for his patients, irregardless of what sickness they are suffering from.
Just last week, while I was traveling along TPE, returning home from Changi, a few stupid Malaysian motorbikes past me in a S style. If you don’t know what I mean, here is a simple picture.

You say flared up or not la?
Should revoke them of their licenses or ban them from entering Singapore for the following reasons,
1. Causes other vehicles to panic, thus accidents occur.
2. No respect for the guy being passed.
3. Their bikes are damn slow in speed, therefore no point riding in such a way.
Mine. a V-TEC powered engine, of course win them in terms of speed;therefore,sped up and 'pushed' their bloody backsides, with my high beam on.
Another factor that makes me hate riding is,

What’s that? CARBON MONOXIDE? What if the rider is right behind you and is that a present to him/her? We paid road taxes not to smell your bloody smoke ok ! Government should have a plan,cars that emit thick, black smoke to be scrapped immediatedly.Another is allow cars to drive only on the extreme left lane for the bike is a faster vehicle. If not, cars are allowed to drive on the middle lane, and slow vehicles on the extreme left lane. The extreme right lane is only for performance bikes and cars with no speed limit and minimum speed on that lane is 160km/h. Hurray for speed lovers and may ‘your businesses prosper’ for casket shops. LOL!
Wish me luck for my new car ok! *prays* I will be a good kid at home everyday during sleeping hours..

Since I and Dick passed our licenses on 2003, we have seen many stupid and interesting things like bike riders hitting cars and fly without wings, car owners who wanted to save the money on buying an original Volkswagen Beetle, therefore banged their bonnets against big lorries, in hope of making their cars look shorter in length, but FAILED.
-_-|| I am a big lamer..
Anyway, I ride a bike while Dick, who is a business undergraduate, stupidly bought a TOYOTA HARRIER(his boss is generous to pay SG$50K for him).What a waste of money when he only uses it for school.
Dick: like that can woo more girls, remember you told me girls are realistic?
Me:I didn’t say HARRIER ! The Toyota Celica and Honda Type R not bad ma. My friends are driving these cars and girls kept flocking to them.
Dick: Ah lians (female gangsters) you mean? *laughs out loud* No class~!
Me: Ya lah.. You undergraduate, unlike me, no class. What’s the big deal?
But anyway, I still borrow Dick’s car sometime to go out when it’s raining. Really can’t get used to it’s comfort. I shall pester Harris to buy me a Celica soon, since he earns much monies by cheating his patients. *Harris is the type of doctor who gives out panadols for his patients, irregardless of what sickness they are suffering from.
Just last week, while I was traveling along TPE, returning home from Changi, a few stupid Malaysian motorbikes past me in a S style. If you don’t know what I mean, here is a simple picture.
You say flared up or not la?
Should revoke them of their licenses or ban them from entering Singapore for the following reasons,
1. Causes other vehicles to panic, thus accidents occur.
2. No respect for the guy being passed.
3. Their bikes are damn slow in speed, therefore no point riding in such a way.
Mine. a V-TEC powered engine, of course win them in terms of speed;therefore,sped up and 'pushed' their bloody backsides, with my high beam on.
Another factor that makes me hate riding is,
What’s that? CARBON MONOXIDE? What if the rider is right behind you and is that a present to him/her? We paid road taxes not to smell your bloody smoke ok ! Government should have a plan,cars that emit thick, black smoke to be scrapped immediatedly.Another is allow cars to drive only on the extreme left lane for the bike is a faster vehicle. If not, cars are allowed to drive on the middle lane, and slow vehicles on the extreme left lane. The extreme right lane is only for performance bikes and cars with no speed limit and minimum speed on that lane is 160km/h. Hurray for speed lovers and may ‘your businesses prosper’ for casket shops. LOL!
Wish me luck for my new car ok! *prays* I will be a good kid at home everyday during sleeping hours..
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